Employment Agreements

It is critical to have employment agreements. The Employment Relations Act 2000 and it amendments make it compulsory to have employment agreements. This applies to all types of employment, meaning that even a casual employment agreement requires a casual employment contract. If you fail to have agreements you may be liable to a penalty of up to $10,000.00.  Also verbal agreement create confusion and possible enforcement problems. Employment agreement are now more important because of the 90 day trial period.  These trial periods must be in writing.  If not the employer cannot rely on dismissing an employee within 90 days.

The Employment Relations Act 2000 mentioned above sets out two distinct types of agreements; individual and collective employment agreements. Individual employment agreements are negotiated directly between the individual and the employer while collective agreements exist between a registered union and a particular employer. Only employees who are members of the registered union are covered by the collective agreement with all other requiring an individual agreement.

I R Thompson Associates can provide employers with employment agreements to suit the employer’s needs, for a very reasonable price.

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