New Employee? No Problem! Employment Agreements Drafted for You
Employment agreements are one of the most widely used types of contracts, yet we seem to see many employment contracts that are not well designed and are bound to create issues further down the line. So do you need to talk to us as employment contract specialist. We offer a fixed fee price so you can feel confident you won’t be charged like a wounded bull. Many employment lawyers love to quote a price that just becomes a very expensive event.
As an employer, you would be required by law to have a written employment agreement with an employee and be able to provide a copy of that agreement when requested. If there is no employment contract, then issues can start to arise. There is the risk of employment disputes that cannot be easily solved and there is the risk of being penalized for unfair bargaining under the Employment Relations Act 2000. Without an employment agreement, how can things such as a 90-day trial period or fixed term contracts be enforced?
The employment contract should be supplied before the employment starts. Once you have your employment contract, you should issue them an offer of employment letter, that tells them that they are free to get legal advice regarding the contract and give them a reasonable time to do this before they return the signed contract to the employer. This means you can’t give them the employment agreement and expect it back the next day!
If the contract does not get signed, then it won’t be considered to be an employment agreement between the parties and therefore will not be treated as such. This means that it cannot be relied on when there are any grey areas or disputes in the employment relationship. The employment agreement needs to be signed and returned before the employee is required to start work.
When looking at a case such as Aoraki Corporation Ltd v McGavin, we see the repercussions of an employment contract not tailored to the workplace. In this case, there was no formal contract and no provision for redundancy payment. This meant that when it became an issue in the employment relationship, there were no provisions to rely on when the employee was made redundant. This case ended up going through the Court of Appeal and resulted in the employer having to pay the employee a large sum of money, which could have been avoided if there was a suitable employment agreement in place.
As you can tell, employment agreements can be relatively tricky, so it’s best not to just download the first template you see online. These sorts of agreements may not suit the type of work or the conditions surrounding the employment and they may not be up to date with the current law; therefore, it is best to come to the us as employment law specialists. We don’t just sell employment agreement to Christchurch employers; we sell employment contracts to all employers. As standard our contracts come with offer letters, policies and all the terms and conditions needed. The price is fixed so you know what the costs are irrelevant of the changes needed.
What We Can Do For You
I.R Thompson Associates Ltd. prides themselves on being able to draft you up a great employment agreement. We offer employment agreements for all types of employment, including part time, full time, fixed term, temporary agreements, and contractor agreements. The contract will cover all of the needed areas like:
- serious misconduct
- redundancy
- 90 day trial (if applicable.)
- abandonment of employment
- employee misconduct
- leave entitlements
- sick leave
- personal grievances
- and much more
We will draft you up an employment agreement with the information you supply to us and send it through! We have a six-month warranty on any agreement we draft, so if the law changes and you need to update the contract, we can do that free of charge!
If you need an employment agreement drafted for you the right way, please do not hesitate to contact I.R Thompson Associates in Christchurch on (03) 383 9988 or send us through an email at