Representation at Mediation

Mediation is the primary problem-solving mechanism under the Employment Relations Act 2000 to help resolve an employment relationship problem such as a personal grievance. Representation at mediation is critical to helping you make decisions that work for you. A mediation meeting is not a court hearing, the mediator does not make a decision and has no power to make you resolve your personal grievance or unfair dismissal claim. Mediation is the first step in the process.

When you arrive the mediator will:

1. Introduce all the people involved.

2.Tell you about the process.

3.You can ask any questions or comment if anything makes you uncomfortable.

4. Ask each party about their understanding of the problem.

5. Ask them what outcome they want from the meeting.

What happens if an agreement is reached.

If you reach an agreement to resolve your unfair dismissal claim, the mediator records your settlement decision and gets your signature.

The mediator records what will happen (the terms). When the parties and the mediator have signed the record of settlement, the agreement becomes a full and final settlement and cannot be reopened by either party.